Russia-Ukraine War Live: ‘Russia is Waging War on World’s Food Supply’, US Tells UN, Amid Calls for Moscow to Resume Grain Deal

A grain ship anchored in the Black Sea near the entrance of the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul on Monday. Photograph: Sercan Ozkurnazli/AP
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to escalate, global concerns about the impact on food security have reached a critical level. In an alarming statement, the United States has accused Russia of waging war on the world’s food supply, pointing to the disruption in grain trade amid calls for Moscow to resume the grain deal. The unfolding situation has raised alarm bells among international communities, prompting urgent actions to address the potential food crisis.

The Grain Trade Disruption

Russia, one of the world’s leading grain exporters, suspended grain shipments from the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk, citing security concerns amid the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. The suspension has sparked widespread unease as it significantly affects global grain markets. Ukraine, too, is a major grain producer, and the conflict in the region has disrupted its agricultural activities, potentially adding further strain on the food supply chain. The United States, the European Union, and other countries heavily rely on grain exports from Russia and Ukraine to meet their food demands. The suspension of grain shipments has fueled fears of rising food prices and food shortages in various parts of the world, amplifying concerns about food security amid the geopolitical crisis.

‘Russia is Waging War on World’s Food Supply’

In a striking address to the United Nations, the United States has accused Russia of deliberately exacerbating global food insecurity. The US argues that Russia’s actions, including the disruption of grain trade and its involvement in the Ukraine conflict, have significant implications for the world’s food supply. The United States’ assertion has garnered international attention and has prompted a call for Russia to reconsider its position on grain trade and prioritize the global well-being. Many nations are urging Russia to resume the grain deal to avert a potential humanitarian crisis and to demonstrate a commitment to international cooperation.

Urgent Calls for Diplomacy and Resolution

The escalating tension between Russia and Ukraine has placed the global food supply chain at significant risk. Amid the growing concerns about food security, world leaders are urgently calling for diplomacy and peaceful resolution to the conflict. The international community is rallying for dialogue and negotiation to prevent further disruptions to grain trade and to ensure that food supplies reach the millions of people who depend on them. Food crises have far-reaching consequences, impacting vulnerable populations, exacerbating poverty, and leading to political and social instability. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, international organizations are advocating for a collective effort to address both the geopolitical crisis and its potential implications on food security.

The Role of International Cooperation

Addressing the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its impact on the food supply requires a collaborative approach among nations. International cooperation is paramount in finding peaceful solutions and alleviating the pressures on the global food chain. Countries worldwide are urged to engage in constructive dialogue, uphold diplomatic channels, and prioritize humanitarian concerns. Ensuring that grain trade resumes, and food supplies reach their intended destinations is vital in averting a global food crisis.


The Russia-Ukraine conflict has placed the world’s food supply at a critical crossroads. The suspension of grain shipments from Russia and Ukraine has raised concerns about global food security, prompting the United States to accuse Russia of waging war on the world’s food supply. The international community is urgently calling for diplomacy and resolution to mitigate the potential humanitarian crisis and ensure that food supplies continue to reach those in need. The role of international cooperation is pivotal in addressing both the geopolitical tensions and the implications on food security, working together to find solutions and protect the well-being of people worldwide.

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